Newheek specializes in producing X optical machine image intensifier, high voltage power supply,image intensifier TV system and so on.

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Image size of medical image intensifier

The medical image intensifier converts the invisible X-ray image into a visible image, and the medical image intensifier can enhance the brightness of the image.
The resolution of the medical image intensifier is limited by the resolution of the input and output phosphor screens and the ability of the focusing electrode to maintain the image as it passes from the input screen to the output screen. On the screen, the average resolution is 4 line pairs/mm. The reasons for the decrease in resolution originating from outside the medical image intensifier include: scattered radiation in the X-rays received by the input screen; patient motion and limited focus size make the image unable to focus. The resolution, brightness, and contrast of the image generated by the medical image intensifier are maximized at the center of the image and gradually decrease toward the periphery. The brightness reduction along the periphery of the image usually does not exceed 25%.
The X-ray image intensifier produced by our Newheek can meet your different purchase requirements. If you are interested in this product, please call the customer service hotline to contact us!


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ADD: E Building of Future Star Scientific Innovation Industrial Zone of No.957 Wolong East Street, Yulong Community, Xincheng Sub-District Office, Weifang Hi-tech Zone, Shandong Province, China

(+86) 18953679166