Newheek specializes in producing X optical machine image intensifier, high voltage power supply,image intensifier TV system and so on.

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The image enhancer failed

A lot of people ask what does an image enhancer do?
An image intensifier is an electronic device that converts X-ray images into visible light images and outputs them.
Mounted on an X-ray image enhancement television device for X-ray fluoroscopy and photography.
Mainly used for X-ray fluoroscopy, etc., is an essential equipment in hospital radiology department.
So, if the X-ray image enhancer fails, it can be a problem for the hospital.
Some people also ask, how should the image intensifier malfunction board?
The first is the damage to the bladder.
This is a very serious situation.
If the tank is damaged, it is better to replace the image intensifier.
In the second case, the high voltage power supply is cut off.
This is a better case.
Simply replace the same type of high voltage power supply or replace the power supply, the device will image.
(1) After troubleshooting of X-ray machine and optical system, it is necessary to measure the voltage of each measuring point of the intensifier one by one to meet the specified requirements, and the ambiguity can generally be eliminated.
(2) Too much dust on the output screen will also cause blurring.
Wipe the lens with lens cleaning paper and the fault disappears.
(3) After excluding the above two points, the image is still fuzzy, which must be caused by the aging of the reinforcement tube and the difference in vacuum degree.
At this point, the reinforcement tube needs to be replaced.
In addition, our company specializes in the production of various vertical and mobile pleural frame, as well as various types of X-ray machine accessories.
If you have a similar program, please call to discuss it.



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Company: Weifang Newheek Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

ADD: E Building of Future Star Scientific Innovation Industrial Zone of No.957 Wolong East Street, Yulong Community, Xincheng Sub-District Office, Weifang Hi-tech Zone, Shandong Province, China

(+86) 18953679166