Newheek specializes in producing X optical machine image intensifier, high voltage power supply,image intensifier TV system and so on.

HomeBlog ›What kind of image intensifier can replace Thomson Thales image intensifier?

What kind of image intensifier can replace Thomson Thales image intensifier?

image intensifier fluoroscopy

French Thales Group originated from Thomson Group in 1879. It is a professional electronic high-tech company that designs, develops and produces aviation, defense and information technology service products. It is also the largest defense mechanical and electronic technology company in France.

Many customers come to consult us about the image enhancement mainly to repair or replace the original Thomson Thales image intensifier. Generally, the hospital consults more, because the original image intensifier has been used for many years, the maintenance cost is too high, or the image intensifier is damaged seriously and worthless. If you want to replace it directly, the original is too expensive and not easy to buy, you can only find it. One can replace the image intensifier. So many customers are looking for replaceable products on the Internet and finally find us.

Inquiry of image intensifier for Mr. Fahmi of Indonesia



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