Image intensifier is the most expensive X-ray imaging system
Intensifier screen gets very low x-rays through the object under test, which intensifies the intensifier’s electron multiplication to form a valuable image that can reduce the intensity to humans.
Intensifier screen intensifies the intensifier screen, which converts an invisible X-ray image to a visible one.
C-arm X-ray machine is used for X-ray imaging equipment in radiology department and orthopedic surgery.Among them, the image processing system is the key part of the image system and the image quality depends on the software processing function and processing accuracy as well as the most original data accuracy when collecting images.
The main faults of image intensifier are no image, noise, blur or distortion.
Newheek intensifier screen is divided into various models and categories to meet different size requirements. The intensifiers are mainly divided into 6 “, 9 “and 12” intensifiers which can be used for different types of X-ray machines.
