Newheek specializes in producing X optical machine image intensifier, high voltage power supply,image intensifier TV system and so on.

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Mauritius customer consults image intensifier TV system

Today, a customer in Mauritius consulted our image intensifier TV system. Ask the customer what model of image intensifier needs to be replaced? The customer responded that it was E5764SD-P3. Reply to the customer Our image intensifier TV system can replace the customer’s equipment, and send the customer information and quotation.
Briefly introduce to you our image intensifier TV system:
Common fault 1: High-voltage power supply discharge:
① Performance phenomenon: The main manifestation of the discharge of the high-voltage power supply is that the high-voltage end of the power supply has the phenomenon of ignition and sizzling noise.
First: if the power supply is not broken, you can unplug the high-voltage end of the line and clean it first, then coat the high-voltage end of the power supply with high-voltage silicone grease and reconnect the high-voltage line. The discharge phenomenon of the power supply can be eliminated.
Second: When the high-voltage power supply is too severely damaged by the discharge. Only the power supply can be replaced.

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