Newheek specializes in producing X optical machine image intensifier, high voltage power supply,image intensifier TV system and so on.

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Advantages of medical X-ray image intensifier television system.

The X-ray dose of image intensifier TV system is low. medical X-ray image intensifier television system is a kind of low illumination and low light level closed-circuit television. The dose of X-ray decreases greatly, which not only reduces the radiation damage to patients and operators, but also reduces the workload of the tube, which is conducive to prolonging the life of the tube.

Advantages of image intensifier TV system

The brightness of image intensifier TV system is enhanced. It is X-ray fluoroscopy that completely gets rid of traditional darkroom operation and realizes remote control operation and diagnosis in bright environment. It is of great significance to cardiovascular surgery, orthopaedic reduction, plastic surgery and removal of foreign bodies.

Image intensifier how it works

If you are interested in our image intensifier TV system, please feel free to contact us.


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Tel: (+86) 18953679166

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Company: Weifang Newheek Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

ADD: E Building of Future Star Scientific Innovation Industrial Zone of No.957 Wolong East Street, Yulong Community, Xincheng Sub-District Office, Weifang Hi-tech Zone, Shandong Province, China

(+86) 18953679166