Newheek specializes in producing X optical machine image intensifier, high voltage power supply,image intensifier TV system and so on.

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Key parts of chest intensifier of the x ray image intensifier

The Brazilian government recently announced that it will extend the ban on foreign citizens entering Brazil for another 30 days until June 22. The ban continues to restrict personnel from all countries from entering Brazil by international flights or other land and water transportation. The measure has been in effect since March 30.
At present, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in Brazil has risen to the second place in the world, second only to the United States. On May 24 local time, the United States announced a travel ban on Brazil, prohibiting foreign citizens with Brazilian travel history in the past 14 days from entering the United States, except for US citizens and spouses, US green card holders and spouses and other groups. The ban will take effect from May 29.


There are many types and models of the x ray image intensifiers. Newheek Image mainly produces 6-inch, 9-inch, 12-inch, etc. image intensifiers, and can also replace the x ray image intensifiers of major brands. In addition to the user’s unanimous praise, it also has cooperation with some major international medical device brands. At this stage, the company is still developing new medical equipment, and strives to make major contributions to the Chinese medical industry.
Please call +86 15628738108 to ask any questions about the x ray image intensifier.


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Company: Weifang Newheek Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

ADD: E Building of Future Star Scientific Innovation Industrial Zone of No.957 Wolong East Street, Yulong Community, Xincheng Sub-District Office, Weifang Hi-tech Zone, Shandong Province, China

(+86) 18953679166