Newheek specializes in producing X optical machine image intensifier, high voltage power supply,image intensifier TV system and so on.

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Input screen for image intensifier

The brightness on the X-ray fluorescent screen is very weak, and it is not suitable to use a TV camera to directly capture images. There are three ways to solve this difficult way. The first is to increase the brightness of the fluorescent screen, but this must increase the X-ray dose. The second is to adopt enhanced fluorescent screen and high-sensitivity camera tube, but the image quality obtained is not ideal. The third and most reasonable way is to use an image intensifier to first convert the X-ray image into a visible light image and increase its brightness by thousands of times before taking a picture. According to different types of input light, image intensifiers can be divided into X-ray image intensifiers, infrared image intensifiers and visible light image intensifiers.
X-ray image intensifiers increase the brightness of images through two processes:
(1) Zoom out, emitting a given number of photons of visible light from a smaller area;
(2) Flux gain, when electrons accelerated by high voltage hit the fluorescent screen, more visible light photons are generated.
X-ray photons impinge on input screens ranging from 4 inches to over 16 inches in diameter with slightly raised surfaces. The phosphor emulsion of the input screen is a thin layer of cesium iodide (Csl). Earlier image intensifier input screens were composed of zinc cadmium sulfide (ZnS:CdS). The main advantage of CsI over ZnS:CdS:Ag is that it can increase the absorption of X-rays, which is due to the presence of components with higher Z (atomic number) in CsI fluorescent substances, and the accumulation of CsI molecules in fluorescent particles Higher density.
We are a company specializing in the production of X-ray machines and their accessories. Our products are exported to countries all over the world. If you are interested in our image intensifiers, please contact us. Whatsapp:+86 18953679166. Email:

Author:Image Intensifier

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(+86) 18953679166